Oracle Psychic Development 101

6 Month to 1 Year Mentorship

Are you an Oracle Psychic? Do you feel as though you know things before they happen? Or you can see deeper into a circumstance? If you said yes to any of these questions, you are likely an Oracle Psychic. Activate yourself and your innate natural abilities. You will be working with Omi 1-on-1 during your Mentorship. Enabling you to ask any questions and go over your course material. There is no limit to your growth, which means you have access to the material for a lifetime as well as the OmiiTribe Online Community. Most of us are natural-born oracle psychics and are here to remember and activate our gifts. No matter the tool you choose to work with you will have a strong foundation to build and grow upon. By the time you leave this course, you will have the confidence to move forward in your gift.

What is a Oracle Psychic?

When you think of an oracle psychic what comes to your mind? Perhaps it's the Oracle from The Matrix or Mama Odie from Princess and the Frog. These two individuals are examples of an Oracle Psychic. An oracle psychic simply put is a individual either male or female, who is channeling divine guidance (at any moment) that can assist you on your journey through life. Oracles specifically allow spirit to speak through them delivering guidance and prophecy. Most times some people do not recall what they say when this occurs. They usually tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it and afterwards you have direction and guidance.

The psychic aspect is all about being able to answer questions and seeing specific things of the past, present and future. When these two aspects of yourself come together you assist yourself and others to achieve the ultimate goal:

Spiritual Growth & Self Realization.


What is an Oracle Psychic?

When you think of an oracle psychic what comes to your mind? Perhaps it's the Oracle from The Matrix or Mama Odie from Princess and the Frog. These two individuals are examples of an Oracle Psychic. An oracle psychic simply put is a individual either male or female, who is channeling divine guidance (at any moment) that can assist you on your journey through life. Oracles specifically allow spirit to speak through them delivering guidance and prophecy. Most times some people do not recall what they say when this occurs. They usually tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it and afterwards you have direction and guidance.

The psychic aspect is all about being able to answer questions and seeing specific things of the past, present and future. When these two aspects of yourself come together you assist yourself and others to achieve the ultimate goal:

Spiritual Growth & Self Realization.


Enjoy this Free introductory Webinar!

A guide to living a more intuitive purpose-filled life.

Begin Your Journey.

6 month - 1 year 1 on-1 Mentorship

We Support You Every Step of the Way. 🏆

Benefits ✔️

  • Lifetime Access
  • Oracle Psychic Kit
  • Ongoing Support for 6 months to 1 year
  • Coaching Sessions with a Den Mother (not included in tuition)
  • Oracle Psychic Diary
  • Omii Academy Merchandise
  • Oracle Psychic Specialty Discovery
  • VIP Workshop access to continue your education
  • Access to CE Abroad Sponsorships
  • Spiritual Business Development


What will you receive in your course?

Pre-recorded Lecture Video's

Ongoing support for 6-months

Student Packet


30+ Assignments

Oracle Psychic Workbook

What are some topics we will discuss?

The Herstory/History of Oracle Psychics

How to Choose a Focus & Develop A Business Based on Your Purpose

Your Natural Innate Abilities and How to Develop Them

The Importance of Aligning with your Ori.

Connecting with Your Spirit Guides & Who They Are

Grounding and Protecting Yourself

Natural & Universal Law. How Does It Apply To You?

The Power of Your Intentions

The Phases of Alchemy & How to Transform Yourself by Stepping into Your Power

Un-covering Symbolism

What Is Mediumship? How To Do It?

What Are The Planes of Consciousness? Pt. 1

Various Forms of Divination


What is the refund policy?

There are no refunds after 24 hours of purchase.

Is there a set schedule for my classes?

No, there isn't a set schedule for class. After viewing the lecture videos, and doing assignments. You will have the opportunity to book your mentorship session with Omi to discuss the lesson.

What happens after my purchase?

Upon purchasing your intensive, you will have access to your student portal.

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